Escola Lliure El Sol and FemProcomuns: "Technological digital tools are tools that do not collect your personal data and do not seek to influence your behavior" News Framasoft 20 years ago12/03/2024 - 10:08 The Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya delivers the Catalunya Impacta 202412/03/2024 - 10:06 How can we leverage data technology to address gender-based violence?12/03/2024 - 10:04 Events Conference 'AI and Social Rights' 05/12/2024, 9:30h - 12h Talk 'The empowerment of women in the everyday world and the digital world' 13/12/2024, 18:15h - 19:45h Aula de Competences: I can't find a job: put your creativity into play! 12 - 13/12/2024 Famílies TIC Subscribe to the newsletter of Punt TIC Subscribe Library JdIS: 25 anys d’inclusió digital a Òmnia ICT Women Resources Contact the Technical and Promotion Office Contact IT Support Join our Telegram channel Digital Fengshui: Secure Data CIbernàrium online training Do you want to meet the women awarded in the latest edition of the DonaTIC Awards 2024? What is conscious consumption? The Xarxa Òmnia celebrates 25 years More than a hundred and a half people participate in the ‘Jornada de la Internet Social: 25 anys d’inclusió digital a Òmnia’ Last weeks to visit the 'Remember the Future' exhibition at Palau Robert What is democratic digitization? El Moianès delves into the support of digital procedures What are positive devices? The pilot test of the program 'More Digital' ends What is digital well-being? How do children, teenagers and young people relate to digital devices? Punt TIC search Punt TIC name Region Comarca Postal code Punt TIC type - Any -Library / Research InformationCentre de formacióAteneuCentre cívicPunt d’informació juvenilOmniaPunt TIC generic Search
Talk 'The empowerment of women in the everyday world and the digital world' 13/12/2024, 18:15h - 19:45h