The Punt TIC Cibernàrium de Nou Barris and Biblioteques de Barcelona will organize several informative sessions on cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.

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Image of computer. 2020. Font: Pexels. License: BY-SA.

The Punt TIC Cibernàrium de Nou Barris, which is located in the Parc Tecnològic de Barcelona Activa, at Carrer Marie Curie number 8-14 in the city of Barcelona, and Biblioteques de Barcelona will organize several master classes on cybersecurity and artificial intelligence during next weeks of May and June.

The first proposal will be 'Els perills de les xarxes i el control parental com a eina preventiva' by Antonio Moisés Funes, where it will be discussed how to protect the digital identity of children, teenagers and adults in a digital world connected and will explore digital privacy and common risks such as impersonation or cyberbullying. On Tuesday 28 May it will be held at the Sant Pau - Santa Creu Library and on Tuesday 18 June it will be held at the Montserrat Abelló Library. The second proposal will be 'Protegim el nostre futur: ciberseguretat i intel·ligència artificial' by Genís Margarit, where you will learn to develop advanced skills in the areas of availability, confidentiality and traceability of cybersecurity. On Tuesday, May 7, it will be held at the Esquerra de l’Eixample - Agustí Centelles Library. The third proposal will be 'Intel·ligència artificial i periodisme: amenaça o oportunitat?' by Jaume Pla, where the main artificial intelligence tools will be introduced, the ethical and journalistic dilemmas that arise from them will be analyzed and strategies will be offered to deal with disinformation. On Monday 6 May it will be held at the Ignasi Iglesias - Can Fabra Library and on Monday 13 May it will be held at the Camp de l'Arpa - Caterina Albert Library. The fourth proposal will be 'Storytelling amb ChatGPT: crea històries amb intel·ligència artificial' by Andrea García, where you will discover how to use this artificial intelligence tool and acquire an essential narrative theory base to generate engaging and innovative stories. On Thursday 9 May it will be held at the Sant Gervasi - Joan Maragall Library and on Thursday 6 June it will be held at the Sagrada Família - Josep Maria Ainaud de Lasarte Library.

Interested people can sign up through this link online.