9 out of 10 Spanish teenagers have a mobile phone and spend as many hours in front of a screen as they spend at school, but neither society nor the education system is prepared to provide them with specific tools to prevent them from being manipulated. In addition, 3 out of 4 young people do not have enough knowledge to surf the internet critically.

Verificat is the first fact-checking platform in Catalonia dedicated to verifying the political discourse and content circulating on the networks, as well as to education for the critical consumption of information. Through Goteo.cc they promote 'Desfake' , an open and collaborative platform with free training resources for families and schools on the responsible use of technologies , the critical consumption of information and the fight against misinformation. .

What is 'Desfake'?

'Desfake' aims to become an open and participatory platform with resources to help teachers prepare educational content on media literacy and critical consumption of information by their students. The material of the platform will allow to create from individual sessions to formative blocks with concrete projects in the frame of a asignatura. The platform follows the "Train-The-Trainers" philosophy , which is based on training educators so that they can develop their work to reach even more audiences.