The Mattermost is transformed to become the channel of interaction where doubts can be resolved, the link between the dynamizers strengthened and to be up to date with the latest technological developments. Join them!

Image of the #nouMattermost Campaign
Image of the #nouMattermost Campaign. 2023. Font: ICT point.

Mattermost, the free and open source instant messaging tool, is being redefined to meet the needs of the ICT Point Network. After analyzing the responses received in the questionnaire , it has been redesigned with the configuration of four thematic channels. These are the new themed channels:

  • ICT news : news related to the work lines of the ICT Point Network will be shared as well as the main news in the field of new information and communication technologies.
  • FAQS : it will be the channel to express the doubts you may encounter in your day-to-day life.
  • Training : to be informed of the Punt TI C Network trainings as well as other learning resources that will be useful to you in your daily work as dynamizers of the network.
  • CafèTIC : it's the channel more informal where we can get to know each other better, share our experiences, explain curiosities or welcome the new dynamizers, among others.


Within the communication ecosystem of the ICT Dot Network, Mattermost wants to be a space for interaction, with a more informal tone, where we can all share knowledge and experiences. The new redesign was born with the aim of strengthening the bond between the dynamizers, creating a lively and dynamic space between them all.

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