Science is a social activity that is also traversed by the different levels that make up society, including machismo. Throughout history, there have been women scientists who have pointed out injustices in the generation of scientific knowledge. For example, Antoinette Brown Blackwell, a naturalist and America's first woman to graduate from medicine, questioned the theory of sexual selection. She wrote the book "The Sexes Through Nature" in 1875 where she debated the theory of Charles Darwin, the most respected naturalist of the time. Through a scientific methodology, she criticized the male evolutionary superiority that this scientist was promulgating.

The Luciferases cooperative was born to break with the androcentric imaginary and sexist stereotypes of women in science and the Gracia district of the city of Barcelona was created, with a diversity of socioeconomic characteristics that they want to take advantage of to reduce the gap of access to scientific cultural capital. They work through five strategic objectives offering workshops to the scientific community for children, youth and adults.

  1. To promote science as a tool for transforming society
  2. To create new critical scientific narratives
  3. To promote new formats of scientific culture that incorporate the feminist perspective
  4. To make science a space for everyone
  5. To use feminisms for the management of the entity.

"If we do not have the contributions of women scientists in the history of scientific-technical development, it remains incomplete and unfairly treated. The reasons why women who have contributed to scientific development have been underrepresented and made invisible are diverse and luciferase contributes to uncovering them.", Judit explains.