We are looking for volunteers to participate in this free program, funded by Erasmus+, who want to develop their computational skills. Are you up for it?

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CS4ALL image. 2023. Font: CS4ALL.

Together with the Open University - CISCO ASC from Milton Keynes, England, and ENISCO from Portugal, the Catalan cooperative Colectic is working on a hybrid training collaborative project to support educators, trainers and teaching staff who want to learn the Python language. The initiative proposes an innovative methodology and practices to work on digital skills in a way that is adapted and appropriate to the different age groups and applicable in the school environment and extracurricular activities. First, from April 24 to June 30, four training modules will be scheduled: innovative educational and extracurricular activities in the digital age, teaching computational skills to children from 9 to 11 years old, teaching computational skills to children and young people from 10 to 12 years and teaching computational skills to 12 to 15 year olds. The duration of the proposal will be 48 hours, of which 24 hours will be in live or recorded webinar format and 24 hours will be in self-managed time format and short one-off tutorials. To participate in the four training modules, you must sign up here .

Secondly, three webinars of three hours duration will be offered in an open format and without prior registration. The first session will be on innovative education in the digital age and will be held on Wednesday, April 12 from 5 to 8 p.m., exploring basic computer skills for programming with the Python language. Then, the second meeting will be about teaching computing with children aged 10 to 12 on Tuesday, May 2, from 5 to 8 p.m. Next, the third meeting will be about teaching computing with children aged 13 to 15 on Thursday, May 11 from 5 to 8 p.m.

The organization is looking for volunteers to participate in this free program, funded by Erasmus+, who want to develop their computational skills, their digital skills and their knowledge of programming with the Python language.