The GSMA organization's 'The State of Mobile Internet Connectivity 2022' study explains that 45% of the world's population remains disconnected, but only 5% live in areas with a lack of coverage. The other 40 % have a connection, but face the digital divide In Catalonia , 32% of households suffer from a digital divide , a figure that rises to 40% in households in a situation of poverty and significant exclusion.
The Technical and Revitalization Office of the ICT Point Network attended the MWC 2023 to learn about some initiatives that want to fight against digital inequalities in access to social services, as well as improve the care and well-being of people, especially among those groups in a vulnerable situation. They are the Barcelona City Council's Virtual Office for Citizen Social Services and the Suara cooperative's immersive room, two prominent projects in this year's Mobile World Capital programme.
In this video, Julio Calvo , director of the Technical Secretariat of Social Innovation of Barcelona City Council and Dúnia Roselló , Director of Communication and Marketing at Suara, explain their digital social innovation projects. We invite you to meet them!