The Valls Collaborator (Vallsgenera) promotes policies for the economic and social development of Valls and the Alt Camp. Its origins are related to the work of the Punt Òmnia de Valls for more than twenty years.

David Gateu, AODL of social and digital innovation
. Author: Vallsgenera.

The collaborators are spaces of cooperation between people and entities of the quadruple helix (citizenship, public administration, university and company). These agents collaborate in a network to promote projects that generate a positive impact in the Catalan territory.

Vallsgenera works by responding to the needs of the territories of Valls and the Alt Camp in the areas of employment, training and economic promotion, making the resources and services available to the public according to what they need. Within their Strategic Plan, one of the tasks they have carried out has been to consolidate a new figure: an AODL
of social and digital innovation, developed by David Gateu , ICT facilitator for seven years at the Punt Òmnia of the Baix Camp de Reus County Council and now at the Òmnia de Valls .

Currently, they have worked to identify challenges and contact stakeholders
see if there is connection and chances of starting them. As a result of this work, they have conducted 46 interviews with individuals and entities and identified 30 challenges .

One of the actions carried out is the Xatbot pilot test . Chatbots are a type of bots that automate a conversation through artificial intelligence and serve as communication tools. One of the agents involved in collaborating in the initiative is the Punt Òmnia de Valls, which have helped to detect problems of malfunction to send the results to the company that is developing it.

In addition, they have organized a session with companies in the area in order to approach them and ask their opinion when designing future actions. The collaboration allows them to meet other agents who provide them with synergies, resources, ideas and projects. Its purpose is to become a project that has a physical space and
meeting of agents and that multiplies the synergies optimizing the resources of the territory to develop
projects that have real and concrete application, as well as generate a motivated community around.