Virtual reality is a new technology that helps inmates get closer to real situations they will experience when they get out. They are used to stimulate empathy in processes of violent behavior. We talk about it in this video!

Last February 8 and 15 Andròmines and the CEJFE celebrated the 'Collaborative course of the ICT practice community' , a training for professionals so that they can incorporate this tool in their support for people deprived of their freedom. Through different workshops, the people attending were able to see how a person deprived of liberty could see how he would feel outside the penitentiary without moving from the premises. "We can simulate real situations through role playing, such as climbing, walking through crowds, or taking the train," explains Fermí Santano from the Lledoners Penitentiary Center.

Sandra, a psychologist at the Can Llupià Justice Center, works with teenagers and the new technologies support the work they are doing. "In addition, virtual reality and the metaverse can be a support for therapeutic tools," he says. The project is developed within the European SEMELI project . The course was developed in theoretical-practical sessions where the participants were able to experience and test different VR applications with immersive glasses.