Presentació de TECNIO
Presentació de TECNIO. 2016. Font: Generalitat de Catalunya. License: All rights reserved.

This stamp is valid until 2019 and will be open to new entities in subsequent phases. TECNIO accredits four types of agents: public technology developers (such as universities and research centers), private technology developers (like engineering or technology companies), non profit technology developers (such as technology centers); and technology enablers public (such as technology transfer offices).

The aim of the new TECNIO distinction is that Catalan companies identify where they can find new technologies for their needs of development of new products and processes, either through acquisition or exploitation of patents, contracting projects R & D or contact with spin-offs.
Aligned with the strategy RIS3CAT and the Industrial Strategy of Catalonia, it is an initiative that makes technology transfer one of the key mechanisms to increase the number of innovative companies in Catalonia and make them more competitive. The new agents TECNIO can enjoy the use of the seal proves, get visibility and recognition of action, broadcasting services and trading technology, advice on international cooperation, information preferential action activities, prioritizing helplines and special programs, networking activities and training in technology transfer.
You can consult the list of 54 players TECNIO .