As part of the International Day of Girls in ICT, the Districte Administratiu of the Generalitat de Catalunya has hosted a commemorative event to highlight new benchmarks.

Image of girls
Image of girls. 2024. Font: Xarxa Punt TIC. License: All rights reserved.

Last Thursday, April 25, the International Day of Girls in ICT was commemorated. The day sought to highlight new benchmarks and encourage technological vocations among girls. The Districte Administratiu of the Generalitat de Catalunya hosted a commemorative event with the participation of twenty 5th grade students of Primary School from the Escola Bernat Metge in El Prat de Llobregat and twenty 5th grade students of Primary School from the Escola Frederic Mistral in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat. In this sense, the commemorative event began with an institutional welcome by Èlia Soriano, executive director of the Institut Català de les Dones, and Liliana Arroyo, general director of Societat Digital of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Next, Núria Salàn, author of the Enciclopèdia STEAM, facilitated two activities with the students to delve deeper into the professional trajectories of several women technologists. Along these lines, some of the women technologists who were the protagonists of the Enciclopèdia STEAM, Gemma Marfany, Elisabeth Prats, Teresa Puig, Alícia Sintes and Laura Tremosa, and the illustrator of the Enciclopèdia STEAM, Sandra Uve, took part in the commemorative event. The consellera d’Igualtat i Feminismes of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Tània Verge, and the consellera d’Educació of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Anna Simó, concluded the commemorative event by claiming the role of women in technological environments, technological vocations and the new references.