Poster to disseminate the talk on sexuality and education in the Òmnia de la Seu d'Urgell
Poster to disseminate the talk on sexuality and education in the Òmnia de la Seu d'Urgell. Author: Punt TIC de la Seu d'Urgell. 2019. License: All rights reserved.

May 17 is the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Bifobia , in commemoration of the declassification of homosexuality as a mental illness by the World Health Organization on May 17, 1990 .

In the framework of this day, the auditorium of the Municipal Music School of La Seu d'Urgell will host the act on sex education in childhood, in which speakers will speak as experts in Sexology and in accompanying processes, Francesc Granja , sexologist, president of Tandem Team , facilitator and disseminator; and Susana Moore , psychologist, Gestalt and Body therapist.

How to accompany sexuality in childhood will be the central theme of the talk, open to all the families of La Seu and Alt Urgell, where the speakers will offer knowledge, resources and strategies to accompany the sexuality of children where attendees can share doubts, experiences and information.

To confirm attendance, you must send confirmation via the email address:

The Òmnia Kids project is aimed at children from P5 to kindergarten to 3rd year of primary education with a diagnosis of developmental disorder. The main objective of the project is to promote and offer leisure activities for the integration of children with developmental disorders by carrying out activities in digital competences, creative activities, sports and health and healthy habits, in order to promote their social inclusion and staff

Òmnia Kids was launched in 2015 and is made up of the Alt Urgell People's Service Consortium (Basic Social Services and Early Attention Service) and the Punt Òmnia de la Seu d'Urgell , and It has the collaboration of the Diputació de Lleida .