Imatge per difondre activitats dels punt TIC sobre programació i robòtica educativa
Imatge per difondre activitats dels punt TIC sobre programació i robòtica educativa. Author: Pexels. License: BY-SA.

On October 8th was celebrated the International Day of Ada Lovelace , the first programmer of history, and from Punt TIC Palau Solidari , they carried out an activity on programming and code with the programmers of the point to implement the Your programming skills. They and the participants discovered what this is about the computational thinking practiced by Ada Lovelace.

According to Jeannette Wing, who published the article "Computational thinking" in 2006, computational thinking "involves solving problems, designing systems and understanding human behavior, using the fundamental concepts of computing ."

On the other hand, from the Òmnia Verdum , on October 9 , hosted a training of the project # MEH of Sokotech . The MESH (Makers Education Social Hack) program is an initiative aimed at trainers and trainers that work with young people in programs for social inclusion. In this session of free and shared knowledge, the Colectic cooperative trained with people from the community community of the territory at the Pare Manel Foundation, home of Punt Òmnia Verdum, about educational robotics with Arduino . Arduino is a collaborative open source project that offers useful and easy-to-use systems to encourage the learning of robotics and electronics.

On the Codeweek website you can find many resources about coding and digital literacy and / or adding your activity to the map.