Until next Wednesday, September 25, you can apply for the grants for projects aimed at reducing the digital gap and promoting digital training and digital inclusion in the territory.

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Computer image. 2017. Font: Pexels.

The Secretariat of Digital Policies of the Department of Business and Labor of the Generalitat of Catalonia has opened a call for grants to promote socio-digital inclusion with a total budget of 200,000 euros. The grants will seek to promote projects for events in digital training, training in the field of ICT, empowerment of digital talent and dynamism of talent in the ICT sector. In this regard, companies, self-employed persons, consortia, foundations, associations, private non-profit entities and local bodies may apply for the call, provided that they meet the general requirements and the specific requirements established in the bases regulations of the call. Therefore, the amount of aid for beneficiary applications will be a maximum of 25,000 euros, which will be granted until the total budget of 200,000 euros is used up. Specifically, the criteria that will be taken into account to determine the amount of the aid will be the cost of the project in line with the score obtained in the descriptive technical report of the project according to the assessment criteria and in accordance with the budget availability .

The call for grants is part of the national strategy for socio-digital inclusion that wants to face the present and future challenges of digitization and fight against digital gaps in the country key. The call is also in line with the Catalan charter for digital rights and responsibilities which aims to promote a legislative framework and a democratic framework to guarantee human rights in the digital age.

Interested people can apply for the grants for projects aimed at reducing the digital gap and promoting digital training and digital inclusion in the territory until next Wednesday, September 25.

To apply for the grant, you can do so through this online link .

To consult the regulatory bases, it can be done through this online link .