The aim is to give visibility to the fundamental role of women in the professional, business and academic world of new technologies, as well as to offer new references to girls.

Image of woman
Image of woman. 2020. Font: Pexels. License: BY-SA.

The tenth edition of the DonaTIC Awards continues. Last Monday, June 3, the deadline for submitting candidacies, which could be proposed by the woman candidate herself or by any other natural or legal person, in one of the eight categories (Entrepreneur, Businesswoman, Professional, Academic/Researcher , Disseminator, DonaTIC Revelació, ICT Student and related initiatives) and of the six subcategories (within ICT Student, there are University ICT Student, FP ICT Student, ICT Requalification or Skills Improvement Student and PhD ICT Student and within of reference initiatives, there is Business Reference Initiative and Entity, Training Center or Institution Reference Initiative). In total, the Secretariat of Digital Policies of the Generalitat of Catalonia has received seventy nominations. These seventy nominations are distributed as follows: 8 nominations for Entrepreneur, 5 nominations for Businesswoman, 4 nominations for Professional, 6 nominations for Academic/Researcher, 16 nominations for Disseminator and 7 nominations for DonaTIC Revelation, as well as 12 nominations for ICT Student and 12 nominations for relevant initiatives.

The objective of the DonaTIC Awards is to recognize and give visibility to the fundamental role of women in the professional, business and academic world of new technologies, as well as to offer new references to girls and to promote vocations in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Currently, the applications are being evaluated by a mixed jury made up of professionals from the technology sector and the academic, business, institutional and associative worlds. Specifically, the evaluation consists of two parts: a first part in charge of the technical committee that selects the semi-finalist candidates and a second part in charge of the honor committee that is in charge of choosing the finalist candidates and the winning candidate. The award ceremony will take place as part of Ada Lovelace Day, which is commemorated on the second Tuesday of October, in recognition of who was the first programmer. After ten calls, the total number of nominations submitted rises to 777, consolidating the DonaTIC Awards as benchmarks in the recognition and dissemination of the role and talent of women in the technological and digital fields.