The Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya asks for the collaboration of citizens to find out the current trends in the technology sector of Catalonia by answering a survey. Read more!

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Currently, the Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya is working on the Baròmetre TIC 2024 and is asking for the collaboration of the public to learn about the current trends in the technological and digital sector in Catalonia. For this reason, he has prepared a concise, quick survey with a duration of approximately ten minutes that seeks to collect the perceptions, feelings and opinions of the population. The Baròmetre TIC is an outstanding reference tool for the study of the Catalan technological and digital sphere, which the Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya prepares annually with the aim of being able to have a representative analysis that provides a broad vision.

In particular, the report takes a picture of the technological ecosystem and shows the future trends of innovation and the future fields of evolution of the technological sector. Likewise, the document becomes an excellent framework for generating a reflection on the reality of the field and the capacity for growth and development.