The Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya has approved the development of a national strategy for socio-digital inclusion that allows it to deal with present and future challenges of digitalisation.

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Image of woman. 2020. Font: Pexels. License: BY-SA.

The Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya has recently approved the development of a national strategy for socio-digital inclusion that allows to face current and future challenges of digitization and fight against digital gaps in an inclusive, sustainable, democratic and equitable The national strategy will include a set of milestones to be achieved, will bet on shared and collaborative governance with the rest of society's agents, will align with the model of a digital society centered on people proposed by the European Union and it will be based on mission-oriented innovation, driven by the Institut per a la Innovació i per al Propòsit Públic.

In this sense, the national strategy will be framed in the Carta Catalana per als Drets i per a les Responsabilitats Digitals, a project, of a participatory nature, which is under constant review and improvement and which aims to define a regulatory framework and democratic to guarantee human rights in the digital age. Therefore, it will establish the priority lines that will have to be developed to guarantee universal, safe, inclusive and affordable access to the Internet for everyone, the digital rights and the digital well-being of users, respecting human rights and protecting especially the most vulnerable people.

The Direcció General de Societat Digital de la Generalitat de Catalunya has been tasked with drawing up the national strategy for digital inclusion. Along these lines, during the coming months, it will work in accordance with the following objectives: promote projects that capitalize on European funding (NextGenerationEU) and that aim to reduce the digital gap or socio-digital inclusion; ensure the complementarity of these projects with other funds; linking the local world in the deployment of projects with an impact on the territory; promote collaborative initiatives with the involvement of the agents of the innovation system of the quadruple helix (administrations, research centers, civil society and the private sector); create working groups on specific topics and areas that must be addressed related to socio-digital inclusion; ensure the execution of the process based on a governance model arising from the methodological work of mission-oriented innovation, which allows internal collaboration between departments of the Generalitat de Catalunya and with the agents of the quadruple helix, and ensure optimal execution with open monitoring tools that allow continuous evaluation and correction of the progress of actions and results. The commitment is to present the strategy before 2026.