Among others, we highlight the courses for adults to learn the functionalities of computers and mobile devices, designed to work on students' ICT skills.

Image of the Santa Bárbara Smartcentre TIC Point
Image of the Santa Bárbara Smartcentre TIC Point. 2024. Font: Santa Bárbara Smartcentre TIC point.

During the coming months, the Smartcentre TIC Point in Santa Bárbara will organize new courses and workshops. Among others, the courses for adults to learn the functionalities of computers and the possibilities of mobile devices stand out, designed to work on the ICT skills of students, especially the elderly, so that they are as autonomous as possible in the use of ICT. In the same way, and in collaboration with the Institut Les Planes, the Smarcentre TIC Point in Santa Bárbara will carry out a training course in preparation for obtaining the ACTIC certificate intended for young people who are studying for Baccalaureate at the educational center . The aim is to approach the boys and girls to learn about their needs and concerns and offer them tools and services to help them in their educational career. Likewise, and in collaboration with the AFA of the Jaume Balmes School, the Smartcentre TIC Point in Santa Bàrbara will energize various extracurricular computing and educational robotics activities, where the students of the educational center will be able to work and increase the your digital capacity. Also, during the 2024-2025 school year, different training workshops in 3D printing will be held, several educational days on cyber security will be promoted and the Necesser ICT project, presented in the context of International Women's Day, will continue to be promoted.

For more information, you can write to or call 977 719 136.