Taller sobre Arduino a la jornada Codifica't
Taller sobre Arduino a la jornada Codifica't.

Organized by the Network Punt TIC in collaboration with the Regional Council of Garrotxa, the conference was part of an event that took place from 11 to 17 October at the European level to improve the programming and robotics, the European Code Week .

The first lecture of the day was given by the Artur Coll , of the Department of Technology for Learning and Knowledge Department of Education Government of Catalonia. After reviewing the history of educational robotics, said initiatives being carried out in Catalan schools with different tools, such as the robot kids Bee-Bot or construction set Lego Wedo . Here is your presentation!

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Then we know different experience being developed in Olot, Sant Adrià and Barcelona. The Antonio Moreno explained that since 2002 organized the contest Robolot with the aim of awakening, in an entertaining way, the spirit of research and technological innovation among young people.

David Picó, dynamic desdelamina.net , the La Mina neighborhood of Sant Adria de Besos, he brought La Mota, a mobile table with different educational backpacks used to bring robotics to the public. Finally block experiences, Nuria Alonso's Teb told a couple of initiatives undertaken by this organization in the Raval: A robotics workshop open to the public and community learning Arduino.

To finish the day, / the participants could choose between two workshops and learn about the project or tool AppIventor Arduino. Arduino workshop on Xavier Pi , consultant Department. Innovation and Knowledge Society (Urban Habitat) of the City of Barcelona, ​​explained the basics of Arduino and showed participants different examples, such as a project of automation of allotments.

In another workshop program tested various mobile applications with the tool MIT App Inventor for Android . They did the hand of Francesc Rambla consultant Idigital Plan of the Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technology of the Government of Catalonia.

Here are some photos of the event. Soon we will offer you the video of the day!