Logo del Dia de les Dades Obertes 2020
Logo del Dia de les Dades Obertes 2020. License: All rights reserved.

Groups around the world will create local events that use open data in their communities to create applications, views , release data or publish analytics . All work done is open for use and reuse.

This year the focus will be on four key areas :

  • Environmental data
  • Tracking public money flows
  • Open mapping
  • Equitable development

Map of events

You can check here the map of events around the world. In Barcelona , you will find:

Who is it for?

If you have an idea that uses open data, you want to find an interesting project to contribute to, learn how to view or analyze data, or simply see what's going on, you can participate in hackaton.

Everyone is free to express their opinions in a constructive way. It doesn't matter what skills you have or what your interests are.

Open data resources

If you need inspiration for your ICT Point, you can check out the international website event resources .

In addition, as in previous years, the Open Knowledge Foundation will continue the $ 200- $ 300 small scholarship program to support major Open Day events around the world.