How is the maker community in confinement time and Covid-19 being organized? We talked about all this last Thursday, April 16 through a new virtual meeting where different makers of some ICT Point we were able to share our experiences in this area and how we are supporting from our points and the managing entities .
The meeting was attended by members of the Òmnia Marti Codolar, the FabLab of Sant Cugat, the Fundació Ciutat Viladecans, Colectic, PT Girona Emprèn, the Òmnia Camp Clar, the Òmnia Blanes, PES La Mina, the Òmnia Torrelles, Òmnia Montserrat, Òmnia Casal Cívic Manlleu, Òmnia Plataforma Educativa and PT Sant Feliu de Llobregat CoInnovaLab together with representatives of the Department of Digital Policies and Public Administration and the Technical Office and facilitation of the Punt TIC Network.
Through coordination by local and interterritorial nodes, the facilitators are printing 3 d pieces such as protective visors, door handles and earmuffs.
One of the social needs detected since this meeting has been to offer training through explanatory videos for users who have access to 3 d printers but do not know how to use them properly. Therefore, from the Technical Office of Dynamization we have created this little video-tutorial on how to use a 3 d printer by deposition or additive (also called FDM).