Curs intensiu de programació i robòtica a l'Òmnia CPS Francesc Palau
Curs intensiu de programació i robòtica a l'Òmnia CPS Francesc Palau. Author: Òmnia CPS Francesc Palau. 2019. License: All rights reserved.

Arduino is a platform for the creation of open source electronics based on hardware and free software, flexible and easy to use. It allows you to create different types of microcomputers with different types of use so that anyone can use it and modify it. It works through integrated micro-circuits to which instructions can be written through programming languages creating programs that interact with the different circuits of the motherboards.

In the Francesc Croma Òmnia CPS , they have begun an intensive course to learn to program through this platform where students have started working with two Arduino UNO Plates, where they have created different circuits to obtain projects designed with the program, such as a traffic light.

Additionally, with the mBlock platform, they are learning how to program mBOT robots by following a circuit with the sensors and at the same time being able to move them through the smartphone with MakeBlock. They have also interacted with to find out about blogging and have designed games with the Scratch platform, among which are the Labyrinth and / or the Arkanoid.

mBlock is the graphical programming environment based on the Scratch 2.0 editor. which teaches the programming of mbot robots based on Arduino through defined blocks that give specific orders to robots.

It is being a very enriching and experimental course, where students work in groups and achieve basic and fundamental competencies on programming and robotics.