Next Thursday, May 9, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., the fourth session of the cycle 'Créixer entre pantalles?' will be held, which will focus on inequalities and digital gaps.

Image of the Canòdrom
Image of the Canòdrom. 2023. Font: Canòdrom. License: All rights reserved.

Under the title ‘A l’aula i més enllà de l'aula: desigualtats i digitalització’, next Thursday, May 9, from 6 to 7.30 pm, the fourth session of the cycle 'Créixer entre pantalles?' will be held, which will focus on inequalities and the new digital gaps. Specifically, the fourth session of the cycle will have the participation of four professionals linked to the field of analysis and research: Sandra Gómez, researcher at the Fundació Ferrer i Guàrdia, Carlos Bajo, journalist and social researcher at Oxfam Intermón, Agnès Pàmies, director of the program 'Code Club' of the Fundació Bofill, and Lidón Gasull, director of the aFFaC.

So, this 2024, el Canòdrom. L’Ateneu d’Innovació Digital i Democràtica., which is located at the Carrer de Concepción Arenal, number 165, in the city of Barcelona, energizes the cycle 'Créixer entre pantalles?', which focuses on a key theme: the presence of screens and digital devices in the daily lives of children, adolescents and young people and their impact on the development of minors. Open to everyone, the cycle seeks to explore the challenges and reflect on digitization, focusing on a critical and digital rights approach. Along these lines, the fifth session will take place during the month of June and will give a voice to children, teenagers and young people to find out their perceptions, their perspectives and their feelings about the use of devices. The aim of the cycle is to build a digital environment that meets your needs.