Until next Monday, June 3, at 2 p.m., nominations for the tenth edition of the DonaTIC Awards can be proposed by the woman candidate herself or by any other person.

Image of woman
Image of woman. 2020. Font: Pexels. License: BY-SA.

The Secretaria de Polítiques Digitals of the Generalitat de Catalunya has presented the tenth edition of the DonaTIC Awards. The successful call has begun with the opening of the deadline for submitting candidacies. So, until next Monday, June 3, at 2 p.m., those who wish to do so will be able to process the request. In fact, candidacies may be proposed by the woman candidate herself or by any other natural or legal person. Specifically, eight categories are foreseen (Entrepreneur, Businesswoman, Professional, Academic/Researcher, Disseminator, DonaTIC Revelation, ICT Student and related initiatives) and six subcategories (within ICT Student, there are University ICT Student, FP ICT Student, Student ICT for requalification or improvement of skills and Doctoral ICT Student and within relevant initiatives, there is the Business Reference Initiative and the Entity, Training Center or Institution Reference Initiative). In fact, the categories and subcategories are exclusive, that is, a nomination can only be submitted to one section. Also, the awards have an honorary character and the intention is to make a public recognition of the person.

The aim of the DonaTIC Awards, which are part of the Pla DonaTIC of the Generalitat de Catalunya, is to recognize and give visibility to the fundamental role of women in the professional, business and academic world of new technologies, as well as to offer new references to girls and girls and promote vocations in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The award ceremony will take place as part of Ada Lovelace Day, which is commemorated on the second Tuesday of October, in recognition of who was the first programmer.

Interested persons can apply through this link online.