Last April, the Punt Òmnia del Centre Cívic l’Escorxador - La Seu d’Urgell and the Punt TIC del Consell Comarcal de l’Alta Ribagorça participated in the collective day.

Last Tuesday, April 16, the Col·laboratori Catalunya, promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Fundació i2CAT, organized the meeting 'Temps de Col·laboratoris: impulsant la innovació social digital en l’àmbit local' in the town from Tremp. The collective day sought to publicize tools, projects and methodologies that placed citizens at the center of innovation. Specifically, several local success stories linked to digital social innovation were presented. Among them, two stood out: the project 'Cati, assistent virtual' with Markus Urban and Ester Collado from Punt Òmnia del Centre Cívic l'Escorxador - La Seu d'Urgell and the project 'Més romànic' with Susanna Casanovas and Carles Roca of the Punt TIC del Consell Comarcal de l’Alta Ribagorça.

"'Markus, how do you use the mobile phone?' The 'Cati' virtual assistant came about as a result of this question from my aunt", explains Markus Urban, creator of the 'Cati, assistent virtual' project. "At the Punt Òmnia, we work with adults and especially the elderly. I immediately saw that the 'Cati' tool was perfect for them. It is a virtual assistant made by a young Urgellen and from the Punt Òmnia, we want to give visibility to our young people, who are doing things and very positive things", says Ester Collado, promoter of the Punt Òmnia del Centre Cívic l’Escorxador - La Seu d’Urgell. "The project wants to take actions in line with the development of the territory. It's an initiative that can be replicated and that can take shape in the Pyrenees area and beyond, because the Romanesque is present in many other places", says Carles Roca, promoter of the Punt TIC del Consell Comarcal de l’Alta Ribagorça. Also, a dynamic of collective mapping of the territory and two immersive activities were articulated, an experience with virtual reality glasses to visualize dinosaurs in Geoparc Àrea Digital Alt Pirineu and a visit to the wall with an augmented reality tool.