Special chapter for Sant Jordi 2016 with Marta Botet and Bernat (from "Perduts entre llibres")
Special chapter for Sant Jordi 2016 with Marta Botet and Bernat (from "Perduts entre llibres"). Author: Canal de Youtube de Marta Botet.

Literary videobloggers are breaking the myth that young people do not read. They do, and, furthermore, are eager to share their passion with others. Some booktubers receive thousands of visits in their Youtube channel and has generated an entire community around. They do not only give their opinion about their last reading, but they also share their lists of books to read, explaine how they organize the books on the shelves or other customs and quirks associated with reading, and they sned challengesto each other.

The booktubers are a phenomenon in the United States and Latin America. There are not a lot of review in Catalan, but there is a booktuber that highlights: Marta Botet. Her Youtube channel has over a thousand subscribers and she even participated in a TED Talk in New York.

The Libraries of Barcelona want to encourage young people to join this movement and offers the course Booktuber - You read it, everyone will follow. The course is part of the training program Estàs ON? (Are you ON?) and held at various libraries. It is aimed at young people between 12 and 17 years. The participants will learn how to use tools for video editing, learn oral and written expression techniques and skills to get more channels and their profiles on social networks.

Course info:

  • Aimed at: Young people from 12 to 17 years
  • Number of sessions: 4 (one day a week)
  • Timetable: 17.30 to 19.30 (excluding the Tower and Library Vilapicina Llobeta: from 10.30 to 12.30)
  • Registration