From next Wednesday, January 15 and until Friday, January 31, three new training actions will be invigorated that will revolve around cyber security, system maintenance and digital administration.

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Next Wednesday, January 15, the Punt TIC Network will launch a new edition of the Winter Campus. Once again, the initiative will be designed to work on digital skills, learn about new tools and discover new resources. Specifically, the online training actions will be aimed at the people who are driving the Punt TIC Network and will have personalized guidance, constant monitoring and individualized support from the Punt TIC Network's Technical and Promotion Office. Thus, three training actions will be promoted around cybersecurity, system maintenance and digital administration.

The courses will be offered in an asynchronous format through the network's virtual platform. The three training proposals will remain open from Wednesday, January 15, until Friday, January 31. In this sense, interested people will be able to register even if they have started until the thirty places available for each course are exhausted. The training pace will be completely autonomous with the aim of encouraging the participation of the maximum number of people. Each training will work on different digital skills according to DigComp 2.2. The assessment of the achievement of the training objectives will be based on participation, individual work and tutored activities. Finally, once the training proposal has been passed, the participants will obtain badges that will certify the digital skills achieved according to DigComp 2.2.

Interested people can register for the Winter Campus through this online link .