Users of various Punt Òmnia de L'Hospitalet de Llobregat have worked on historical memory through radio programs, publications and reports.

Image of the ICT Point Network
Image of the ICT Point Network. 2024. Font: ICT Point Network. License: All rights reserved.

Last Wednesday, May 29, several Punt Òmnia de L'Hospitalet de Llobregat met at the Gornal Civic and Community Center to celebrate a day focused on historical memory and new technologies. Specifically, more than sixty users of the Gornal Omni Point, the Akwaba Foundation Omni Point, the JIS-Arrels Omni Point, the La Florida Omni Point, the Pubilla Cases Club Esplai - Can Vidalet Omni Point, the Punt Òmnia Educational Center Esclat Bellvitge, Punt Òmnia Club Esplai Bellvitge and Punt Òmnia Sant Feliu - Sant Ildefons. "It has been a morning full of surprises and full of emotions. This was an activity that we had been thinking about for a long time, because we have been working on historical memory in the town for a long time. This morning, too, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Òmnia Network and closed the quarter of workshops and activities", explains Laura Herrero, organizer of the Òmnia Gornal Point.

During the day, several projects were presented that had worked on issues of historical memory with the help of new technologies. Among others, there were radio programs, publications, calendars and audiovisual reports. In this sense, work had been done with royalty-free music and image portals, artificial intelligence tools for the creation of texts and music, audio and video editing programs, tools for 3D printing and social networks. Users of the Gornal Omni Point were the first to present their projects to preserve the past. This was followed by users of the Akwaba Foundation Omnia Point, the JIS-Arrels Omnia Point and La Florida Omnia Point. Then there were some surprises: two facilitators performed a couple of songs and a user read a story. "We work to minimize the digital gap and to build community. Our users are mainly elderly people. So we also deal with unwanted loneliness. Today's activity is an example", adds Yolanda Carmona, promoter of the Punt Òmnia Fundació Akwaba. "At Punt Òmnia, we learned a lot about new technologies and at the same time cultivated relationships between people", says user Dionisio Pascual. "Seeing that you are not alone when you retire is key", says user Encarnació Garcia.