3a Setmana de la co-innovació
3a Setmana de la co-innovació. Font: Citilab-Cornellà.

The 3rd Week of co-innovation wants to visualize all the innovative actions that work in the region. All those initiatives are encouraging innovation, implement those ideas that transform society. It is an open invitation for reflection, dialogue and action in favor of innovation civic, social, technological, business, youth... or any other form of innovation that provides effective solutions to shape the new times.

For one week, several municipalities, organizations and groups in the Lower Llobregat organize activities aimed to reflect, discuss and implement initiatives related to social and technological innovation to provide solutions to new challenges.

It will be a week with educational events, conferences, workshops, and dynamic presentation tool on the powers that are working right now. The program includes the awards ceremony undertakes El Prat (November 29), the Conference on Social Innovation, Digital and Head (30 November) and meeting of social and cooperative economy (2 December), among others. For all the activities you can consult the agenda of the 3rd Week of Co-innovation.