Next Thursday, February 20, at the i2CAT Foundation facilities, experiences and success stories will be presented that will demonstrate how digital technology can revolutionize healthcare and social welfare.
Next Thursday, February 20, the i2CAT Foundation will organize the session 'Digital Social Innovation for Health and Well-being'. The day will start at 12:00 and end at 1:30 p.m. and will take place in the Ada Lovelace room of the i2CAT Foundation, located at Carrer Capità, number 2-4, in the Nexus I building, floor 2, in the city of Barcelona. The session will discuss how digital social innovation is transforming the field of health, addressing the approach of this methodology, which places the person at the center of innovation. In this sense, experiences and success stories will be presented that will demonstrate how digital technology can revolutionize healthcare and social welfare through innovative high-impact initiatives such as, for example, the case of 'Social Digital Lab' by Bàrbara Outeiro from Suara Cooperativa, the case of 'Thinking about the desired change and the map of actors to reach concrete solutions' by Carme Rovira from the Sant Joan de Déu Teaching Campus, the case of 'Healthy Cities Generator Tool' by Marta Rofín from Healthy Cities and the case of 'Connected Homes' by Núria Infiesta from YASYT. The European project 'INTEGER4H' will also be presented, which promotes digital social innovation and innovation ecosystems within the field of health and welfare in different European regions, by Marta Martorell, director of the Digital Society Technologies area of the i2CAT Foundation. Finally, an open agora and a networking dynamic will be promoted, as well as an evaluation and closing space.
Interested people can registeronline through this link .