#diadeinternet. 2 016.

Granollers Mercat -  Punttic Muntayola dedicated this day to present trends and issues that tend to entrepreneurs in the digital world restless.


17 16:30 am - Nothing is Free Internet
Processing of data in social networks

Raquel Pardo Privacydat

17 is 17.30 - We're not made ​​of atoms, but stories
Make #storyteller and tells the story of your business
Lydia Ruiz of Olabautuyú

17:30 am to 18 pm - Why do all the same site?
Web design trends
Héctor Anoro - Propla.net , Planetary Productions

18 to 18:15 am - Meetup Wordpress Granollers
WordPress Meetup Group Granollers Catalonia is the second created and attached to the WordPress Foundation
Javier Quilez

18:30 19h - Internet Sales 2016
What we must remember to avoid mistakes?

Lorenzo de Gámez Vacune.com

