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Image of hands. 2 019.

Next Wednesday, July 26, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., the Reus Reading Center will host a day to promote digital social innovation and encourage local development and collaboration. Don't miss it!

Within the framework of Col·laboratori Catalunya, the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Fundació i2CAT and Localret will organize a day to bring digital social innovation closer to the newly elected officials. Under the title ‘Temps de Col·laboratoris: impulsant la innovació social digital en l’àmbit social’, the event will take place next Wednesday 26 July, from 9.30am to 1.30pm, at the Reus Reading Center. In this sense, the Direcció General de Societat Digital de la Generalitat de Catalunya, with the collaboration of the Consorci d’Administració Oberta de Catalunya and the Agència de Ciberseguretat de Catalunya, wants to offer resources so that the newly elected officials can use the new technologies effectively, improve public management, promote citizen participation and encourage local development and inter-institutional collaboration.

During the day, the different institutions that lead the provision of digital services in Catalonia will be presented, the Col·laboratori Catalunya project will be announced and several successful cases of digital social innovation projects will be shared. Along these lines, Liliana Arroyo, director general of Societat Digital de la Generalitat de Catalunya, will participate; Núria Espuny, director general of Administració Digital de la Generalitat de Catalunya; Andreu Francisco, director general of the Consorci Localret; Santi Gallardo, director of the Consorci d’Administració Oberta de Catalunya; Manel Herrer, head of Seguretat de la Informació per a les Administracions Locals de l’Agència de Ciberseguretat de Catalunya, and Marta Martorell, director of the Àrea Digital Society Technologies de la Fundació i2CAT. Lala Escrivà, director of FabLab Terres de l'Ebre, will also take part in the event; Albert Pujol, computer technician and ICT facilitator of the CoEbreLab; Joan Garcia, member of the VAG; Núria Palau, director of the Esplai Blanquerna Group; Romina Llambrich, coordinator of the Children and Community area of the Esplai Blanquerna Group and facilitator of the Punt Òmnia Tortosa; David Gateu, social and digital innovation agent at VallsGenera, and Alba Méndez, project manager at Living Spaces Cluster Interiors Living Lab.

Interested persons can register through this link online.

