Image of woman
Image of woman. 2 020.

Next Thursday, June 20, at CosmoCaixa, the event will feature conferences and conversations to share thoughts and proposals to attract and promote female talent in the field of engineering.

With the desire to share reflections and proposals to attract and promote female talent in the field of engineering, the Technical Engineering and Engineering Degrees Board of Catalonia will promote 'Women Engineer' . The event will take place next Thursday, June 20, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at the CosmoCaixa, located at Carrer d'Isaac Newton, number 26, in Barcelona. In this sense, the inaugural conference will be given by Maria Petit, communicator and publicist. Similarly, there will be three talks: 'Training and vocations' with Georgina Comas Vieta and Mireia Usart Rodríguez, 'Profession and progression' with Mar Porras and Mireia Ranera and 'The present and the future' with Karina Gibert and Núria Salán Ballesteros. In this context, the '1st Female Engineer Award' will be presented, in recognition of female engineers who have paved the way.

Interested persons can register through this link online .

