Itinerari formatiu per a persones emprenedores
Itinerari formatiu per a persones emprenedores. Font: Can Muntanyola. License: All rights reserved.

The aim of the training program is that the students achieved an integrated manner with the knowledge and tools needed to launch a business project. Training, free of charge, will take place every Tuesday and Thursday between May 24 and June 14, from 9 to 13 hours.

The timing and theme of the meetings is as follows:

  • May 24: The Business Plan: The BMC "Canvas"
  • May 26: Labour Aspects
  • May 31: Area of marketing and sales
  • June 02: Administrative accounting
  • 07 June: The economic and financial area
  • June 09: Legal and Tax Aspects
  • June 14: Organizational Area

The training will be led by Jordi Mercader, J. Mercador Consulter Company SL. To participate in the training must complete this questionnaire registration.