Imatge del programa ACTIC
Imatge del programa ACTIC. Author: ACTIC. License: All rights reserved.

The ACTIC program is a set of topics, questionnaires and activities that help to assimilate the ICT competences defined by the ACTIC accreditation model, which is promoted by the Generalitat of Catalonia , with the possibility of opting for basic and medium levels ACTIC accreditation

The objective is to increase computer skills to help break the digital divide of people with less resources , with an eminently labor and community approach.

The training , which will begin on October 8 until January 24 , will be given online through the Moodle platform and the repository of courses of the Punt TIC Network . During the calendar of each course, participants will have online support through this platform, and in addition, there is the possibility of consulting in person , in hours to be agreed .

To obtain accreditation, it is necessary to submit to the official tests of one of the complete levels of the ACTIC accreditation model, which is promoted by the Generalitat.

The registration must be made by contacting the telecentre by email ( or by phone (973 69 12 64)