On Thursday, March 21, from 12.30 to 2 p.m., a new virtual meeting will be held on the reuse of technologies for the community of the Xarxa Punt TIC. Participate in it!

Image of mobile phone
Image of mobile phone. 2016. Font: Pexels. License: BY-SA.

This March, the new virtual meeting of the Xarxa Punt TIC will focus on recycling and the reuse of technologies. The new online session will take place on Thursday, March 21, from 12.30 to 2 p.m., and will be aimed at the community of the Xarxa Punt TIC, facilitators and managing entities. Initially, Marisa Gliosca from the Associació Social Andròmines will talk about various actions that are being carried out by the Direcció General de Societat Digital de la Generalitat de Catalunya to work on recycling and reuse issues. Specifically, Gliosca will focus on the information and awareness campaign that will be promoted to promote the donation of mobile devices through the revitalization of small containers. In these containers, citizens will be able to dispose of their mobile phones, after safely erasing their data, and contribute to giving these devices a second life and minimizing environmental impacts.

Then, Mònica Acebo from the Direcció General de Societat Digital de la Generalitat de Catalunya will present the creation of a traveling exhibition to raise awareness about recycling and reuse, which will initially be installed in the Districte Administratiu de la Generalitat de Catalunya and which will then travel to different parts of the territory. People who are members of the Xarxa Punt TIC will be able to request the reception of the traveling exhibition in their facilities, as well as the reception of the small containers for the donation of mobile devices.

Next, a pilot test proposal will be announced for the transfer of refurbished mobile devices for the training of older people as part of the Pla de Xoc contra la Bretxa Digital de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Finally, a debate space will be opened, where the people attending can raise reflections and questions.

Interested persons can register through this link online.