RefugIs, ICT training for migrants and refugees
RefugIs, ICT training for migrants and refugees. Author: Fundesplai. License: All rights reserved.

Fundación Esplai is developing the project RefugIs, with the support of Microsoft Ibérica, through which young volunteers from local associations and school students from several Spanish cities will teach workshops on digital literacy and basic skills training program for young refugees, refugees, migrants or asylum application situation.

It is a project promoted by Microsoft Europe taking place in Italy (in collaboration with Fondazione Mondo Digitale). The goal is to train 650 migrants and refugees in the coming months.

The challenge of the initiative is to overcome differences in language and culture through technology, such as digital code common to accelerate learning and acquiring technological skills, key to development and employment integration of refugees and migrants.

The volunteers who teach workshops with the support of local associations receive previously specialized training that enables them to empower themselves and then power the courses. They have the support and monitoring of educators of the organizations involved in the project. The initiative will also collaborate with workers of Microsoft Ibérica, which will do corporate volunteering and support trainers in the workshops planned.

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