The proposals, which will be free and will be given from 10 to 12 hours, will revolve around the use of computers, mobile idCAT and the functionalities of mobile devices. Sign up for it!

Computer image
Computer image. 2021. Font: Pixabay. License: BY-SA.

The month of April arrives with force at Punt Òmnia Colectic, a Barcelona cooperative that promotes social transformation through new information and communication technologies. Over the next few days, the Catalan organization will be promoting three free training sessions for adults. Specifically, the training sessions will take place from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Carrer dels Salvadors, 6-8, in Barcelona.

First, a training capsule will be offered to start using the computers on April 11, 12, 13 and 18. Secondly, a training session will be held to learn how to use the mobile idCAT on April 17. Thirdly, a training capsule will be scheduled to discover the tools, resources and functionalities of mobile devices on the 18th, 25th and 27th of April. In this sense, interested people can sign up for the training sessions by sending an email to .