Equip del Fit4Jobs
Equip del Fit4Jobs. 2016. Font: Web del Fit4Jobs. License: All rights reserved.
The evaluation results indicate that all project partners, driven by Telecentre Europe, have successfully completed their goals and have even exceeded initial expectations. 75% of young participants Fit4Jobs have improved their employment situation, thanks to specialized training in the field of ICT.
The meeting served to bring together the different needs and abilities of the different participating countries. However two key elements has been detected  in common: first, the lack of knowledge by young people with regard to programming and web development, and on the other, the high demand and willingness Contracting companies to incorporate students into its staff. During the evaluation process has also highlighted the importance of a careful selection of candidates to ensure good results.
During the development of Fit4Jobs other countries beyond the original partners were interested in adopting this model for training and employment. This has led the team to believe that the project Fit4Jobs could become a global phenomenon and a mechanism to solve the lack of ICT professionals. Estimates predict the need for 100,000 professionals in the field technology for the year 2020.
Currently, a project promoted by Fit4Jobs LIKTA (Latvia) in the association Asociacija (Lithuania), the Association of Networks Telecentros (Spain), the program Escolhas (Portugal), the Hellenic Society of Professionals computer (Greece) and FIT Ltd (Ireland). If you have suggestions or contributions to the program please contact Fit4Jobs manushanratty@fit.ie or any of the project partners.