The Punt Òmnia Seu del Consell Comarcal de la Segarra has organized a session to create different posters to raise awareness around the day. Interesting!

Image of the Punt Òmnia Seu del Consell Comarcal de la Segarra
Image of the Punt Òmnia Seu del Consell Comarcal de la Segarra. 2024. Font: Punt Òmnia Seu del Consell Comarcal de la Segarra. License: All rights reserved.

As part of the training proposal 'Com treballar en xarxa', the Punt Òmnia Seu del Consell Comarcal de la Segarra dedicated several sessions to the creation of content with artificial intelligence tools. In particular, the Punt TIC facilitated a session on the occasion of International Women's Day, which was commemorated last Friday, March 8, where the participants created, elaborated, designed and prepared different posters to give visibility and raise awareness around International Women's Day.

In this sense, at the moment, the training proposal 'Com treballar en xarxa' has more than thirty participants, specifically 23 women and 9 men, who, divided into four groups of eight people, work once a week on various activities, which usually last an hour and a half.