About twenty people of various age groups participated in the activity, which sought to promote social cohesion between different generations with the help of new technologies.

Image of the Omnia Colectic Point
Image of the Omnia Colectic Point. 2024. Font: Omnia Colectic point. License: All rights reserved.

Last Friday, July 12, Punt Òmnia Colectic energized an intergenerational green gymnasium. About twenty people of various age groups participated in the activity, which sought to promote social cohesion between different generations with the help of new technologies. The initiative took place in the Jardí Històric de Montjuïc, in the city of Barcelona, and consisted of solving various tests and challenges using digital tools. Young and old worked together to discover local heritage and learn about local traditions. Also, the activity made it possible to break stereotypes and prejudices. The assessment was very positive. In this sense, the participants valued the fact of being able to share experiences, anecdotes and stories with other generations, as well as use new technologies to continue promoting intergenerational learning and favor a more inclusive and cohesive society.