The Xarxa Òmnia organizes its annual meeting aimed at the professionals of the Xarxa Òmnia. It included a conference by Internet expert Genís Roca, the presentation of community projects and a participatory activity.

SaraSara Borrella and Lady Pazmiño from Colectic presenting the Wemin project at the Omnia Conference 2023
SaraSara Borrella and Lady Pazmiño from Colectic presenting the Wemin project at the Omnia Conference 2023. 2023. Font: Marta Alonso - ICT Point. License: BY-SA.

The Òmnia Network , made up of 112 Òmnia Points spread across the territory, offer access to equipment and dynamic activities. On February 24, it celebrated its annual day, where community projects were presented and a participatory activity was held on the game Data Control Wars by Becoming . The meeting started with the institutional welcome of Carles Campuzano , Minister of Social Rights, who highlighted the need to "bring the Department of Social Rights into the 21st century". He also announced that the department will strengthen the Omnia Points in front of the professionals "who make their formidable social and community work possible".

Next, there was a conference by Genís Roca , Internet expert, on the next social revolution. "Digital rights must be guaranteed through three spheres: access, participation and privacy," he explained. In addition, he spoke about the challenge of vehicular participation mechanisms in the #JornadaÒmnia2023 , stating that "putting 'likes' on a photo is not participation".

Afterwards, the presentation of community projects representative of the network's management entities was presented:

  • The Gentis Foundation explained the project Contes exquisits , mini-stories of three words to embroider violence. A collaborative and collective action with a large support network of women.
  • The Casal dels Infants organization presented Donat'+ , a European project of Punt Òmnia Betsaida Badalona in favor of the employment of migrant women with family burdens where they work on their social inclusion through digital training, language and social cohesion.
  • The Association of Participating Persons Àgora presented 'DesinfoEND' , a project of the Omnia Point of the La Verneda-Sant Martí School for Adult Persons , of learning through dialogic media gatherings to combat misinformation and promote thinking critical The project works thanks to volunteers.
  • The Colectic cooperative, manager of the Punt Òmnia Raval, explains the WEMIN Raval project, which was born to implement a pioneering integration model in Europe for migrant and refugee women in order to break the digital gender gap in technologies, while respecting the learning processes of these women. Once the European funding ended, the entity decided to take it forward by bringing it closer to the territory of the Raval neighborhood in Barcelona with a triple focus : the community , the technological , and the feminist .

Finally, Becoming energized the collaborative game Data Control Wars , an educational tool that aims to address the potential positive and negative effects of data use, as a testing ground for transitional design strategies, as method to identify some of the myths articulated by the social perception of the technological industry.