The cycle 'Grow between screens?' del Canòdrom has focused on a key theme: the presence of screens and digital devices in the lives of children and young people.

This spring, the Canòdrom has reinvigorated the cycle 'Growing up between screens?', which has addressed a key theme: the presence of screens and digital devices in the daily lives of children, teenagers and young people and their impact on development of minors. Open to everyone, the cycle has sought to explore the challenges and reflect on digitization, focusing on a critical approach and digital rights. "During the cycle, we asked ourselves several questions about the impact of growing up between screens, for example, in the field of education or in the field of health. In parallel to the sessions we held here at the Canòdrom with various agents, we worked with real experts: the students of the Alzina Institute, who did collaborative research on the same topics: video games, disinformation or the networks", explains Mar Escarrabill, responsible for the project 'Youth, Screens and Action!' of the Canodrome.

The last session of the cycle has had the participation of 3rd year ESO students from the Institut Alzina del Congrés and the Indians of Barcelona, who have presented the conclusions they have reached after a research process around the topics raised throughout the cycle. "With this exhibition, we want to show the work done by the students", says Clàudia Ureta, professor at the Alzina Institute. "In my group, we've worked on self-esteem in social networks and we've seen how these affect more than we think", says Júlia Martí, a student at the Alzina Institute. "We discovered things we didn't know about fake news or the risks of the Internet. I think we are currently much more informed", says Estela Gregorio, a student at the Alzina Institute.