The Secretary of Digital Policies of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Maria Galindo, visited the program 'Revolution 4.0' of Catalunya Ràdio conducted by the journalist Xantal Llavina.

Image of 'Revolution 4.0'
Image of 'Revolution 4.0'. 2024. Font: Secretariat of Digital Policies. License: All rights reserved.

Last Sunday, October 20, the Secretary of Digital Policies of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Maria Galindo, visited the 'Revolution 4.0' program of Catalunya Ràdio, hosted by the journalist Xantal Llavina, to talk about the tenth edition of the Awards DonaTIC Galindo affirmed that, digitally, Catalonia was on the right track, but that there was still work to be done, especially around the promotion of talent and especially, around the promotion of female talent. "In 2015, 1 in 5 people working in the ICT sector in Catalonia was a woman. Today, it is 1 in 3", said Galindo. At this point, Galindo commented on the celebration of the tenth edition of the DonaTIC Awards, where the professional careers of twelve women technologists and the importance of two relevant initiatives were made visible. Galindo concluded by adding that this tenth edition had been extraordinary and that it added to the previous nine editions.

The radio program 'Revolution 4.0' focuses on digital transformation and entrepreneurship and tries to glimpse what Catalonia and the world of the future will be like from the point of view of dissemination and entertainment. The radio program, which can be heard on Saturdays on the web and on Sundays, from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m., on the Catalunya Ràdio antenna, talks about entrepreneurial people, emerging companies, new technologies, cyber security, economy, sustainability, intelligence artificial and, above all, about how the digital revolution has come to transform everything.