Last Saturday, April 13, the Punt TIC de la Biblioteca Tirant lo Blanc, which is located in the Plaça de l'Ajuntament, without number, in the town of Belianes, in Lleida, hosted a practical day on digital fiction for professionals from public libraries in the territory. Facilitated by the Grup de Treball ‘Biblioteques i Ficció Digital’ del Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris - Documentalistes de Catalunya, the conference aimed to show from experience how the libraries that were part of the group applied digital fiction both in mediation activities as in activities to promote reading. In total, a dozen libraries from the network and representatives of Biblioteques Públiques de Catalunya in Lleida and Tarragona participated. The day started with a short introduction about digital fiction in order to be able to share the same theoretical framework. Then, experiences were exchanged through small working groups where mediation with tablets and computers and the promotion of reading with a point of digital fiction and various activities were deepened. Then, a space was opened to raise questions and reflections, as well as to schedule the next actions of the Grup de Treball ‘Biblioteques i Ficció Digital’. In particular, he experimented with several games: Windosill, Mitoza, Chuchel, Gorogoa and Lumino City.
The Punt TIC de la Biblioteca Tirant lo Blanc in the town of Belianes hosted a practical day on digital fiction for library professionals.