Image of artificial intelligence
Image of artificial intelligence. 2 020.

Next Thursday, May 30, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., Idoia Salazar, expert in the social impact and ethics of artificial intelligence, will raise several questions to reflect on and discuss the phenomenon.

The Confederation will organize a new online session of the cycle 'Apunts654C. The must-sees of The Confederation'. Specifically, a virtual meeting with Idoia Salazar, expert in the social impact and ethics of artificial intelligence, will be held. Aimed at people linked to organizations in the third social sector, the aim of the proposal will be to reflect and discuss the phenomenon, its regulation and its impact. Idoia Salazar is founder and president of the Observatory of the Social and Ethical Impact of Artificial Intelligence, member of the Observatory of Artificial Intelligence of the European Parliament, advisor to the Advisory Council of the International Group of the Intel· Artificial intelligence and author of several books on artificial intelligence and technology: 'The myth of the algorithm', 'The algorithm and me', 'The robot revolution: how artificial intelligence and robotics affect our future' and ' The depths of the internet'. At the same time, the Confederation is a business organization that since 1997 represents non-profit entities, associations, social initiative cooperatives and foundations, which generate economic activity in the social services sector and in the sector of attention to people in Catalonia.

Interested people can sign up through this link online .




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