Next Thursday, March 6, the Barcelona Open Data Initiative will organize a meeting to highlight women's leadership in open data and its impact on the challenges of the feminist agenda.
Next Thursday, March 6, the Barcelona Open Data initiative will organize a new edition of Open Data Day. The event, which will start at 5:30 p.m. and end at 8 p.m., will take place at the Atelier, located at Carrer de Pere IV, number 362, in the city of Barcelona. This year, under the title 'Women leading open data for equality', the meeting will focus on addressing projects and strategies for publishing and reusing data to highlight women's leadership in open data and its impact on the challenges of the feminist agenda. Within this framework, the event will bring together leading women from the open data and technology ecosystem to share innovative projects that contribute to equality. Thus, several initiatives will be presented, such as institutions that publish data and digital solutions that reuse them to address challenges such as gender violence, digital violence, the pay gap or co-responsibility for care. The meeting will seek to highlight women's leadership in the field of open data and its potential to advance women's rights. Open Data Day is a global initiative that has been celebrated for more than ten years and where groups from all over the world create local events using open data in their communities to create applications or visualizations. Since 2017, the Barcelona Open Data Initiative has been organizing meetings to promote the use of open data.
Interested people can register online through this link .