6es Jornades TIC Salut i Social 2016
6es Jornades TIC Salut i Social 2016. 2 016.
Organized UVic-UCC (Chair ICT Health and Chair Social Services) Foundation TicSalut, Vic Hospital Consortium Foundation Hospital de la Santa Creu de Vic, ICS-Central Catalonia EBA Vic EBA Centelles Mobile World Capital Barcelona, ​​Pyrenees -Mediterrània. Manage the Technical Secretariat of Osona Foundation for Health Research and Education (FORES).
Who is today:
  • Searches from different disciplines (health, social, technology, business ...) motivated by the ICT, Health and Social.
  • Entrepreneurs and companies in the ICT sector, Health and Social.
  • CIOs and technical assistance organizations the scope Health and Social.
  • Professionals interested in the sector.
  • University and secondary students.
What you will find:
Roundtables on business models, technology transfer, digital transformation and research in ICT, Health & Social; capsules media interviews B2B exhibition area and Speakers' Corner ...
Awards for the best projects in communications and categories:
  • "Conference ICT R & D Social and Health 2016"
  • "Mobile World Capital Barcelona"
  • "Euroregions"
Find out more at their website about the program and other information on the conference and participate through #JornadesRDI
Hurry to sign up and take advantage in price, Arif individual:
Early registration (until 9 September): 120 €
Normal (from 10 September): 150 €
Project participants: 120 €
College students: 50 €
Networking Dinner (optional) *: 40 €
(Will add the amount, if any, the ticket price)
* For those who wish a networking dinner planned tour with Vic on Thursday 29 September.




Building Sucre, Vic
Street historian Ramon Abadal and Vinyals, 5 (Building El Sucre)