Image of the Science Festival
Image of the Science Festival. 2 024.

On the 7th, 8th and 9th of June, El Born Center for Culture and Memory and the Plaza Comercial of the city of Barcelona will host the seventeenth edition of the Science Festival with a diverse and enriching program.

Games, experiments, workshops, shows, stories, visits, exhibitions, humor and much more. The seventeenth edition of the Science Festival finalizes the last details to offer a diverse, fun and enriching program. The new citizens' meeting with knowledge, with research and with fun will take place on June 7, 8 and 9 at El Born Center for Culture and Memory and in the Plaça Comercial of the city of Barcelona. The initiative will have multiple proposals for young, medium and old to delve into scientific knowledge and technological knowledge. Specifically, the program will have more than 150 activities organized by organizations in Barcelona and its area of influence. The sea, archaeology, artificial intelligence and climate change will play a special role. However, the seventeenth edition of the Science Festival will go much further and there will be experiences linked to practically all areas of research, such as, for example, physics, materials of the future, social sciences, biomedicine and the world of numbers and data, among others.

