As part of the Digital Transformation Congress of the Third Social Sector of Catalonia, cyber security expert Javier Sierra shared a dozen tips and pointers. Discover more!

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Image from m4Social. 2023. Font: m4Social. License: All rights reserved.

The Social Hub, which is located at Carrer Girona number 34 in Barcelona, hosted last July the Digital Transformation Congress of the Third Social Sector of Catalonia. The Table of Entities of the Third Social Sector of Catalonia through the m4Social project and with the collaboration of Fundación Telefónica organized the successful day. Within this framework, the focus was on cyber security by Javier Sierra, cyber security expert. These are the ten main recommendations and indications to increase cyber security:

1. Regulations: entities must analyze the security state and define the policies and regulations that can allow them to reach the desired security state. For this reason, it is essential to have a Security Master Plan, a map that allows you to know the current situation and the state of maturity of the entity and to analyze the risks, as well as to define the priorities and the future steps to be followed in order to achieve the goals

2. Control: it is necessary to control the access of all the corporate teams of the entity at all times.

3. Copy: backup copies are the basic safeguard to protect the entity's information. For this reason, it is recommended to have three backup copies of important data, on three different types of media, with one copy outside the premises and with one copy without an Internet connection.

4. Protection: Security against threats must apply to all corporate equipment.

5. Update: it is necessary to update all the corporate teams of the entity regularly.

6. Security: the security level of the entity's corporate network is one of the essential points.

7. Information: mobility brings great advantages, but you need to be aware of the risks it entails and how to manage them. Information is one of the key, main and fundamental values of entities.

8. Support: Removable media or free resources are one of the biggest threats.

9. Activity: entities must be prepared to prevent, protect themselves and react to security incidents that may affect them and that may impact their projects.

10. Continuity: it is necessary to establish the necessary measures proportional to the needs of the entity.